Feed Drop | Make It Plain: Malcolm's Intellectual Integrity

Surprise! We're excited and honored to share a very special feed drop with you all today!

You may remember Phillip Holmes from our great conversation in Episode 70 where we talked about Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr., what people get wrong about them, and the importance of properly understanding power dynamics. He also cofounded The Witness (formerly The Reformed African American Network) with past guest Jemar Tisby, was an original host of their podcast Pass The Mic, where he met his wonderful, multi-talented wife Jasmine (you should get her books Mother To Son & Carved in Ebony if you haven't yet). Connections!

Notes for this episode (Season 1 Episode 3): In this episode of Make it Plain, Phillip Holmes and Taelor Gray discuss intellectual integrity. Malcolm X’s commitment to honesty, humility, and open-mindedness in the pursuit of truth drives us back to the Scriptures and reminds us of the posture every Christian should have.

Subscribe to Make It Plain on your platform of choice and look for the premiere of Season 2 on Monday, February 21st!

Visit makeitplain.co for more resources related to exploring Malcolm X through the lens of Scripture.


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