April Fools! Un-Substantive Cinema | Manos: The Hands of Fate feat. Jacob Berardi

Happy April Fools' Day!

This is a silly idea we had way back in 2019 before we took our unplanned year and a half hiatus (see "Special Annoucement" between episodes 12 & 13) but we're happy to finally share this very bad movie with you all! Manos (Spanish for "hands"): The Hands of Fate is a famously bad movie resurrected by the Mystery Science Theater 3000 team in 1993. It was made by a fertilizer salesman on a bet and it really shows. But even though every aspect of it is a train wreck, there's something undeniably charming, and human, about this very very bad movie.

And we are also excited to have a friend of ours from way back join us for this one! Jacob Berardi is a longtime friend who we have watched loads of movies with who has been working in the film business for the last 10+ years primarily as a camera opperator and cinematographer.

We hope you have as much fun with this one as we did!

Watch Manos:

MST3K Manos

Regular Manos


Scare Package (on Shudder or AMC+)

Time Chasers MST3K

Pod People MST3K


95: TTU | Cursing Follow Up, Art's Responsibility Depicting Evil, Anime & Black Culture


94: Substantive Stories | Faith in the Shadows with Austin Fischer