83: Substantive Cinema | Matrix Resurrections feat Eugene Park

The first Matrix movie was released in March of 1999 and was an instant sensation. Movies, and in many ways our culture at large, would be forever changed. Two weeks ago, 18 years after the last Matrix film we had, the fourth installment, The Matrix Resurrections, premiered theatrically and on HBO Max. Returning guest, Eugene Park, joins us as we dive back down the rabbit hole!

Reactions from both fans and critics has been split on this film (much like the second and third films in the series), but we think that there's a lot here to be explored: Why does this film exist? Did Warner Brothers demand it or was there an artistic vision from the original creator? Why do some seem to hate this so much? What does it have to say about the creative difficulties & shortcomings of a culture obsessed with more? Have the original films had more of a positive or negative legacy since they've come out and how does that affect the folks involved in creating it? Why do the action scenes feel a bit different in this one? We cover these and other topics, while still leaving plenty of things on the table!

We hope you enjoy our conversation and be sure to leave your thoughts on the website!


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