105: Substantive Cinema | Us (2019)

We realize it's been since April that we did our last Substantive Cinema (a great show with Tyler Huckabee that you should all listen to and share with others if you haven't yet!), the perils of pivoting release schedules but we're back on track with an excellent one!

Jordan Peele's 2017 directorial debut Get Out was a smash commercial and critical success (and we had Eugene Park on to discuss that back on Ep #62, link is below). Anticipation and expectations were high for his follow up two years later, and though his next effort, Us, released to very mixed reactions, there's an abundance of substance there and we had a great time revisiting it as we look forward to his next movie, Nope, releasing this coming weekend!

Give it a listen and send us an email or a voicemail and let us know what you thought of the film and our takeaways. And let us know if there's someone you think we should reach out to for inevitable SC episode on Nope!

Substantive Cinema on Get Out with Eugene Park https://podnews.net/podcast/i4ia5/listen/episode/YjNhMjNhYmMtYTY5Yi00MmFmLWJkMWMtYmEyY2RhMzNjNjMy

Alissa Wilkinson Vox Review https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/3/20/18274105/us-review-jordan-peele-jeremiah-doppelganger


Philip: The First Purge (Film, 2018)

Vince: Searching (Film, 2018), Skeletons by Labrinth (song), The Lead Attorney YT Channel

Trevor: The Battle for Polytopia (mobile game)


106: Reflects | Roe v Wade Overturned


104: Substance Wives Takeover! | Crissi Curly on Art, Representation, and Black Joy