110: TTU | Matt Chandler Steps Back, Augmented Reality, & Manufactured Spirituality

We're back tossing it up with some new topics! This episode we talk about Matt Chandler's announcement about stepping back from ministry because of a (allegedly non-sexual, non-romantic) relationship with a woman and what that says about the state of many modern American churches. We also look toward the future and how augmented reality may affect how we relate with one another and even how we do spiritual formation. Finally, we look at how churches do and should function in regards to their affects on individuals and communities. 

If you have any thoughts on these topics or suggestions for future topics or guests, send us an email or a voicemail!


Philip: Salty by Alissa Wilkinson 

Vince: "Waste Time" by Gwen Bunn

Trevor: The Bible Memory App 


111: Reflects | Sexual Ethics


109: Substance Reflects | Homelessness feat. Kevin M. Nye