102: Substantive Stories | Where Prayer Becomes Real feat. Kyle Strobel

We are excited to welcome back Kyle Strobel to The Substance! Kyle is a preacher, the Associate Professor of Spiritual Theology and Formation at Biola's Talbot School of Theology, and the author (and co-author) of several excellent books.

You may remember Kyle from when we had him on back on Episode 66 (Listen here!) and talked about our relationships with power. We highly recommend checking that out if you haven't yet!

This time Kyle joins us to talk about something we'd all like to have a better handle on- prayer. Topics include: What's on the line when it comes to our prayer lives, "the good news" of prayer, why we shouldn't try to "fix" ourselves, the role of personal and communal lament in our prayers, and more!

We hope you enjoy and are encouraged by this. If you are consider sharing it with your friends and family as word of mouth is the best way to spread the show!

Purchase Where Prayer Becomes Real 


The Wingfeather Saga

The Green Embers series 

Follow Kyle:

Twitter https://twitter.com/KyleStrobel

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kylestrobel/


103: Reflects | SBC Sexual Abuse Report


101: Substantive Stories | Orthodoxy feat Trevin Wax